Home Top News HOLLYWOOD ELITES FOR HARRIS: Celebs sign on for another tired, star-filled sequel

HOLLYWOOD ELITES FOR HARRIS: Celebs sign on for another tired, star-filled sequel


It’s election time, when celebrities and pop culture figures show up like it’s a combo of the Oscars and Grammys to throw their support for Democrat candidates. This time, they are pushing their fans to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. But some of them have been doing it so long that the Harris campaign could compete with ‘The Fast and the Furious’ franchise for number of sequels. 

And it appears no one cares but their agents and journalists. (Ahem.) Maybe that’s because it’s such a tired rewrite, just like most of what Hollywood sells the public in their day jobs. Every single one of the top 10 films of 2024 is a sequel. Exactly like the celebrity support for the left. 

That’s why many of the big-name Harris backers are election veterans. Some of them, like singers Bruce Springsteen, Linda Ronstadt and Barbra Streisand, have been reliable voices for the left since Harris was a teen. At 75, Springsteen is the youngest of that trio. 

Millionaire Springsteen (He only has $750 million, please shed a tear) has been promoting leftist causes since the 1970s when he was part of the line-up of the ill-conceived ‘No Nukes’ concerts. The idea of The Boss backing Democrats is as reliable as him cashing checks. CelebrityNetWorth estimates the working-class hero’s annual earnings at $80 million or roughly 1,894 times what a typical working-class American earns in a year. 

Ronstadt was a star in the 1970s when she was involved with lefty causes and Democratic star/California Gov. Jerry Brown. The pair shared a Newsweek cover in April 1979, headlined, ‘The Pop Politics Of Jerry Brown.’ Brown ran for president in both 1976 and 1980 and has been a power in leftist politics ever since. And Ronstadt has, too, performing for the Clintons at the White House and fighting for Biden in 2020.

And Streisand is so far to the left that she was singing for presidential candidate George McGovern back in 1972. She performed with James Taylor, Quincy Jones and Carole King to promote the anti-war nominee who was destroyed in the general election by President Richard Nixon. Harris was just 7 at that point.

‘The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included,’ she said.

Campaigning for Democrats and looney leftist policies only reinforces the disconnect of celebs from their audience, but it’s little risk for a star of Swiftian stature. And for has-beens or never-was performers, it gets their names in press releases and news articles with top talent, reminding everyone they exist. (I’m looking at you, Fran Drescher.) 

It doesn’t harm their careers. It boosts them. Support some Marxist candidate or outlandish cause and Hollywood producers will happily overlook everything else you do. Just ask Oscar-winning director Roman Polanski about that one.

So, think of the next four weeks as a benefit of sorts. It might look like the stars are out to benefit Harris, but many are just out to sell their favorite product – themselves.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

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